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Green HSE in Search of Abandoned Mini Park to Clean Up

Green HSE, a student environmental club, is taking part in the upcoming Moscow Flower Show, an international festival of gardens and flowers. As part of the HSE project ‘A University Open to the City’, students will give a presentation on mini parks, the goal of which is to revitalize one of Moscow’s abandoned mini parks or courtyards.

‘On July 1 and 2 at the Moscow Flower Show in the Muzeon Art Park, Moscow residents will be able to place flags on a big map of the city to indicate the places they believe need revitalization’, said Sofia Malakhova, director of Green HSE. ‘These can be mini parks, courtyards, or barren land. At the end of the festival, we will check the information and determine which of these places can be set aside for HSE to work on landscaping. We will choose one site and focus our efforts on that. Of course, information on the other sites won’t go to waste – we’ll send residents’ comments to the appropriate authorities’.

The plan is for students to rehabilitate a site in the spring of 2016 using landscaping projects created by students in the HSE Faculty of Communications, Media and Design

See also:

Green HSE Wins 2020 Moscow Volunteer Competition

The team of Green HSE, an ecological student association, took first place in the category ‘Kind Team. University’, where the largest number of participants (2,025 contestants) took part. Eight volunteer teams from Moscow universities made it to the final round of the competition.

HSE & adidas: Helping Clean the Planet of Plastic

On June 3, a meeting with Chris Thaller, Head of Creative Projects at Runtastic by adidas and founder of the Parley Foundation, who is involved in a project to gather and recycle oceanic plastic, will take place at HSE University.

7.5 m³

of trash was collected by Green HSE volunteers and other environmental activists in the first two weeks of August along the bank of the Moscow Canal in Dubna and in the Moscow park Yauza. 

188.8 kg

of clothes have been collected by Green HSE, a student ecological organization, as part of its REwear campaign. All clothes collected will be given to charity shops and organizations, or recycled.

Separate Plastic Collection for Recycling Available at HSE

The environmental student organization Green HSE has launched a service for the separate collection of plastic waste. Special yellow containers can be found across HSE buildings. For now only plastic bottles can be collected for recycling.

Green HSE Сleans up Moscow region’s Lake Relax

Members of the student organisation Green HSE volunteered to clean up nearly 30 meters of lakeshore around Moscow region’s Lake Relax, as well as 60 square meters of the surrounding forest. The volunteers managed to collect more than 50 120-liter bags of trash.

HSE Is Going Green

HSE students and faculty now have more opportunities for leading a more ecologically responsible lifestyle right here at the university. Let’s look at how easy it has become for them to do their part.


applications to beautify and landscape spaces were collected by the mini-park project run by Green HSE, a student environmental club. 


trees and shrubs were planted by HSE students and staff as part of the ‘Green mobilization’ campaign.

92 kilograms

of old electronics were collected by volunteers from Green HSE during an eco-event dedicated to World Earth Day.