HSE University to Host All-Russian Student's Tournament of Physicists for the First Time
The All-Russian Student's Tournament of Physicists is a competition in which teams of students from different universities offer their solutions to problems and defend them before rival teams. The HSE University Faculty of Physics traditionally participates in the organisation of the competition and task development. This year, on February 13–17, the tournament will be held at HSE University for the first time. It will include two rounds—the qualifiers and the final. In the final round, three teams and their captains will compete with each other.
The winners will receive valuable gifts from the co-organising universities and the organising committee. In addition to competitions, the event will feature an educational and entertainment programme comprising excursions to the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The excursions will be conducted by faculty representatives who will talk in detail about the work of physical laboratories.
Dean of the HSE Faculty of Physics
‘We train future scientists at the Faculty of Physics. Preparation for the tournament includes thorough research of the proposed tasks. In fact, this is the work of a scientist in miniature. At the tournament, the participants hone their ability to report their results in a limited time (a close analogue of speaking at a scientific conference), discuss with their opponents (quickly immersing themselves in a task and identifying weaknesses in someone else's research), and objectively evaluate their work. Students acquire useful scientific skills at the competition, accompanied by additional interest from participants and the audience. Our faculty supports the popularisation of the physics tournament, as well as the expansion of the number of participating Russian universities.’
The Student's Tournament of Physicists is a competition in which teams of students present their solutions to research problems, then answer questions from their opponents and the jury. The competition was first held in the early 2000s, and expanded to the international level in 2007. Now, the tournament is affiliated with the European Physical Society.
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