Ilya Kuzminov
- Director: Institute for Public Administration and Governance / Centre for expert review, development and support of it solutions
- Ilya Kuzminov has been at HSE University since 2012.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Chinese
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
12075 - Address: 11 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, room 524
- SPIN-RSCI: 8853-6420
- ORCID: 0000-0002-7321-3934
- ResearcherID: E-4572-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 56502223900
- Google Scholar
- Supervisor
- A. B. Zhulin
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Education and Degrees
Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Thesis Title: Geographic outcomes of the post-Soviet transformation of the Russian timber processing complex
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Additional Education and Certificates
HSK (Level 5) Examination Score Report (2019)
HSK (Level 4) Examination Score Report (2019)
HSK (Level 3) Examination Score Report (2018)
Certificate of Proficiency in English (Council of Europe Level C2) - Grade A (2018)
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Level 1 (2013)
Certificate in Advanced English (Council of Europe Level C2) - Grade A (2012)
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - Overall Band Score 8.5 / 9.0 (2012)
Microsoft Certified Professional (2012)
Microsoft MCITP Certificate - Database Developer 2008 (2012)
Microsoft MCITP Certificate - Database Administrator 2008 (2012)
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: SQL Server 2008, Database Development (2012)
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance (2012)
Professional Interests
Awards and Accomplishments
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2013–2014)
Expert Projects Record
National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. Center for Strategic Analytics and Big Data
Foresight and Semantic Mapping of Chemical Energy Storage Technologies, including Lithium-based Technologies (for a large industrial company, 2020-2021)
World-Class Research Centers (NCMU); activity streams on social and environmental topics (for the Ministry of Education of Russia, 2020-2021)
Analysis of University Academic Positions Skills and Competences Requirements, including Semantic Analysis of Job Postings (federally funded internal research project, 2020)
Analysis of Global Job Market and Human Capital Development Trends (for a large industrial company, 2020)
Recommendations on Assessment of Strategy and Growth Directions of State Developmental Funds based on Digital Trace Analysis (for key financial watchdog of Russia, 2020)
Analysis of Current State and Prospects for High-Technology Development Directions to 2024 based on Big Data Processing and Text Mining (Government of Russian Federation, 2020)
Assessment of Adherence of State Policy to National Goal "Digital Transformation and Development of Recommendations on Update of Strategic Planning Documents and Convergence of Agenda of Russia's and Global Digital Policy (Government of Russian Federation, 2020)
Monitoring of Socio-Economic Development of Regions of the Russian Federation based on Combination of Statistical Data and Alternative Big Data Analysis (Government of Russian Federation, 2020)
Analysis and Forecast of Directions of Development of Digital Technologies in the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, 2020)
Development of an Autonomous Software Module for Semantic Analysis and Generation of Topic Keywords for Web Ad Campaigns (for a large bank, 2020)
Research of Technological Trends in Metallurgy based on Semantic Analysis of Large Collections of Topical Documents (for a large metallurgical company, 2020)
Development of Methodology and Mechanisms for Maintenance of Register of Shipbuilding Companies based on Data Monitoring (for Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, 2020)
Analytical support for the Moscow Innovation cluster (for the Moscow Government, 2019-2020)
Analysis of key scientific and technological areas, using methods for processing large amounts of unstructured information from open sources (for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2019)
Evaluation of R & D results implementation and proposal for state policy measures in (for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2019)
Analysis of the scientific and technological development strategy (for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2019)
Development of Mandarin Natural Language Processing Module of the iFORA Information System (Centre for Applied Research and Development, 2019
Research and forecasting of the economy's needs in spatial data, remote sensing data, and geo-information technologies (for Rosreestr, 2018-2019)
Tools for improving the effectiveness of foresight research in the field of science, technology and innovation (project of the HSE international laboratory, 2019)
Development of big data analysis methods for the study of global technological trends (project of the HSE international laboratory, 2019)
Semantic Analysis and Text Mining of Large Sets of Legal Documents related to Main Directions of the Governmental Activities (for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2018-2019)
Development of the Methodology of Application of Text Mining for Automation of Science and Technology Forecasting in Machine-Building (for a large research centre, 2018)
Text-Mining-Augmented Analysis of Trends, Technologies, and Markets of Propulsion Engineering (for a large machine-building enterprise, 2018)
Text-Mining-Augmented Analysis of Trends, Technologies, and Markets of Steelmaking Industry (for a large metallurgical enterprise, 2018)
Identification and Assessment of S&T Co-Operation Areas for Russia and Finland with the application of Text Mining (for TEKES, 2018)
Trend-Analysis of Environmental Sustainability of Moscow as a Global City with the application of Text Mining (for a large urban planning institute, 2018)
National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. Information and Analytical Systems Unit
Development of the Conceptual Framework for the S&T Forecasting Text Mining Information System (for Federal Research Centre "Informatics and Management", Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017-2018)
Development of data sets and supporting materials for the National Shipbuilding Strategy with the Application of Foresight Methodology and Text Mining Technologies (for Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 2017-2018)
Identification and Mapping of Topics Related to Innovation Clusters with the Application of Text Mining (for Russian Venture Company, 2017-2018)
Text-Mining-Augmented Analysis of Trends, Technologies, Markets, and Centers of Competence in four domains of the Strategy for Science & Technology Development of the Russian Federation: digitization, energy, biotechnology, medicine (for key sectoral research centers under the auspices of the Ministry for Education and Science of Russia, 2017-2018)
Identification and Assessment of Emerging Trends, New Technologies, and Promising Markets in the Banking Sector with the Application of Text Mining (for a large bank, 2017)
Text Mining Exploratory Research on Identification and Benchmarking of the Centers of Competence in Aerospace Science (for a large research organisation, 2017)
Text Mining Exploratory Research on Comparison of Agendas of National Strategic Planning Documents and Technological Universities' Educational Programs (for a large educational literature publisher, 2017)
Analysis and Forecast to 2030 of the Global and National Markets of Special High-Frequency Electronics Equipment with the Application of Text Mining (for a large R&D/manufacturing enterprise, 2017)
Text Mining Exploratory Research on Identification of the Topical Structure of the Sociological Analysis of Marketing Data (for a large research organisation, 2017)
Text-Mining-Augmented Analysis of the New Trends and Technologies for Smart Cities (for a large real estate industry regulation organisaion, 2017)
Practical Workshop on the Application of Semantic Analysis and Text Mining in the Corporate Foresight and S&T Forecasting Projects (for a large industrial enterprise, 2017)
Trend-Analysis of the Domains of International S&T Co-Operation with the Application of Text Mining (for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2017)
Trend-Analysis of the S&T Development of the BRICS Countries with the Application of Text Mining (for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2016-2017)
National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. Department of Science and Technology Foresight
Methodological and Analytical Support for the Governance of the Science and Technology Development of the Agriculture and Food Industry of the Russian Federation (for the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, 2017)
Update of the Science and Technology Development Forecast of the Russian Federation (for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2016-2017)
Analytical support for the Development of the Technology Forecasting Centers Network in the Domain of Agriculture (for the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, 2016)
Formulation of the Rehabilitation Industry Development Strategy to 2030 (for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 2016)
Formulation of the Conceptual Framework for the Network of University-Corporation Co-Operation Centers (for Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2016)
Formulation of the Science & Technology Development Forecast of Russia's Agriculture Sector to 2030 (for the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, 2015-2016).
Formulation of the Science & Technology Development Forecast of Russia's Energy Sector to 2035 (for the Ministry of Energy of Russia, 2015)
Developing National System of S&T Monitoring and Forecasting in Energy Sector (for the Ministry of Energy of Russia, 2014-2015)
Global Technology Trends Monitoring (for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014-2015)
"Russia 360 – Weak Signals" (for TEKES, 2014).
Identifying the Long-Term Priorities of the Science & Technology Development for Tomsk State University (2014).
Proposals for Updating the S&T Priority Areas and the List of Critical Technologies of the Russian Federation (for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014-2015)
Development of the Technology Forecasting Centers Network in the Priority Areas of S&T Development (for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014)
National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute for Regional and Urban Studies
Update of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy for the Ulyanovsk Region to 2020 (for Ministry of Economic Development of the Ulyanovsk Region, 2013)
Expert evaluation of the Operational Activities of the Toll Roads Operator "GK Avtodor" (for a large Russian bank, 2012-2013)
Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Tula Region to 2030 (for the Government of the Tula Region, 2012)
Analysis and Evaluation of the Investment Projects for the Integrated Territorial Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region of Russia to 2025 (for a specialised investment fund, 2012)
Eighth Annual International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy", presentation "Word Embedding Models for Semantic Analysis and Strategic Consulting" (Moscow, 15-16 November, 2018)
OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP) and OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) Workshop: Semantic analysis for innovation policy, presentations "Semantic analysis for innovation policy based on HSE Intelligent Foresight Analytics (iFORA) system" and "TIP@50 analysis methodology based on HSE Intelligent Foresight Analytics (iFORA) system" (Paris, March 12, 2018)
The 2ndPractical Conference on Scientific Developments Implementation, presentation "Text data mining: practical applications for foresight and strategic analytics" (Moscow, October 26, 2017)
Russian-French Workshop in Big Data & Applications, presentation "Applications of Text Mining and Semantic Analysis to Foresight Studies" (Moscow, October 13, 2017)
Session "The system of strategic forecasting and planning of science and technology development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation" within business events of "Golden Autumn-2017" exhibition, presentation "Big Data for science and technology development monitoring of the agro-industrial complex of Russia" (Moscow, October 5, 2017)
The 1st National Forum "Import substitution 2017", presentation "Science and technology forecast of agro-industrial complex as an instrument of public management in the sphere of science, technology and innovations" (Moscow, September 13, 2017)
XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Section "Science and Technology Foresight", report on the topic "Forecast of scientific and technological development of the agro-industrial complex" (Moscow, 19-22 April 2016)
International Scholarly Seminar "The Future of Agriculture: Global Challenges and scientific and technological development", report on the topic: "The key technology areas in the agro-industrial complex" (Moscow, March 3, 2016)
International scholarly conference: "Foresight and S&T innovation policy". Report on the topic: "Text Mining: Analysis of the Full-Text Sources and the Construction of Ontologies for the Foresight Studies" (Moscow, November 18-20, 2015).
VI International Forum "Ecology". Report on the topic: "Environmentally Friendly Modernization of the Industrial Enterprises based on the Best Available Techniques Concept" (St. Petersburg, February 26-27, 2015).
RVC Expert Workshop "Innovative Activity in the Agricultural Sector". Report on the topic: "Russia's S&T Development Foresight 2030" (Moscow, December 22, 2014).
Young Leadership Forum for the Russian Forest Sector. Keynote speaker, report on the topic: "Foresight: Experiences in Russia and Applications to Natural Resource Sector" (Finland, Joensuu, December 2014).
XIV St. Petersburg International Forestry Forum. Report at the plenary session: "European and Asian Macroregions of Russia: the Possible Scenarios for the Timber Industry Development and Integration into the International Trade to 2030" (St. Petersburg, October 2-4, 2012).
VI International Timber Industry Exhibition "TEKHNODREV Far East 2012". Report on the topic: "Investment Attractiveness of the Timber Industry of the Russian Far East" (Khabarovsk, April 19-22, 2012).
International scholarly conference: "Innovation and Integration on the Regional Level in CIS Countries". Report: "Socio-Economic Effects of the Introduction of Institutional Innovations in Russia's Forest Sector" (Zvenigorod, 2010).
HSE Presents 6th Russian Regional Innovation Development Ranking
Moscow, Tatarstan and St. Petersburg are the leaders of the new ranking. Based on 53 indicators, the ranking can be used by regional governments to develop and optimize their innovation policy. The ranking presentation was held on October 31 at a press conference hosted by the TASS news agency.
New IP Protection Trends
The II International Strategic Forum on Intellectual Property IPQuorum was held in mid-April in Kaliningrad. Its motto was 'IP code: all aspects of intellectual property for man and economy'. An ISSEK team took part, comprising Ekaterina Streltsova, Ilya Kuzminov, and Gleb Kuzmin. Our colleagues share some of their observations, and related trends.
Measuring Science: a New Look from Vienna
Is big data going to replace conventional statistical observations of the science, technology, and innovation sphere? Participants of workshops hosted by the ISSEK and a number of partner research centres in Austria and Germany in Vienna on 6–7 March agreed that the role of statistics is only going to increase. The experts outlined the potential for cooperation in the scope of S&T research projects and educational programmes.
Patents as Reference Points in the Search for Scientific Breakthroughs
The National Training Workshop for Technology and Innovation Support Centres’ personnel ended on 29 November, 2018 at the Higher School of Economics; it was organised by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Rospatent, and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIIP), and lasted for three days at various venues. HSE experts presented their approaches to patent analysis, and legal protection of intellectual property. According to the workshop participants, the university’s research in patent statistics and big data analysis (which is playing an increasingly important role in the area) was most impressive, and contributed to extending knowledge horizons.
'Atlas of Future Technologies' Nominated for the Enlightener 2018 Award
The Organising Committee of the Enlightener 2018 Award has published a long list of 24 books, each of which has a chance to become the best popular science book of the new season. Among other titles, the long list includes 'Atlas of Future Technologies' which presents results of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring study. This ongoing project is being implemented by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) for more than five years. The award winners will be announced in the early October.
ISSEK Experts’ Participation in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2018 begins tomorrow. A representative delegation from the Higher School of Economics, and the HSE ISSEK will take part in the business and presentation programmes. In particular, the panel session 'Resources and Economics of Global Oceans' will be held on 25 May, which Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director was invited to attend. On 25 and 26 May ISSEK experts will host two discussions at the HSE stand: 'Application of Big Data analytics to support strategic decision-making', and 'Doing science: how comfortable young researchers feel in Russian academia'.
Joint Projects in Big Data Discussed at HSE
The workshop on ‘Big Data and Applications’ was organized by HSE School of Business Informatics, Institut Mines-Télécom in association with CNRS MADICS with the support of the French Embassy in Russia, and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
A series of ISSEK-authored papers published in Scientometrics
In 2017 a leading international journal in the field, Scientometrics, published six papers by staff members of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge describing application of various sociology of science and Foresight techniques for the purposes of studying driving forces and directions of scientific development.
Russia Takes 45th Place in the New Global Innovation Index
On June 15, 2017, the tenth Global Innovation Index was presented at the UN headquarters in Geneva. It includes the key indicators of innovative activities in 127 countries. Russia took 45th place in the ranking. Switzerland is leading the ranking for the seventh year in a row.
Ensuring Clean Water Is the Only ‘Water Issue’ That Can Be Currently Solved
According to participants in the recent BRICS Water Forum, out of all of the global challenges in regards to water resource management through the use of technological breakthroughs, only keeping water clean can be guaranteed at the moment.