‘Creativity and Imagination Are Essential in Research’
For Daria Morozova, who holds both a bachelor’s and a master’s from HSE FES, economics is the love of a lifetime. She looks forward to Mondays and going to her office at Rosbank, where she serves as the Head of Retail Business Analysis and Planning within the Financial Management Department. In this interview with Success Builder, Daria shares how she was able to manifest her dream of becoming a film director while pursuing a degree in economics, how combining work at a bank and study at HSE helped her find solutions to workplace challenges, and how she came to realise that preventing employee burnout is essential in leading a team.

Foreign Language Specialists Share Insights from Teaching and Research Experience
On November 29–30, HSE University hosted the Third International Online Conference 'Languages, Education, Development' (HSE LED Conference). The conference was attended by more than a thousand participants, including researchers and teachers, methodologists, language education experts, administrators, and business representatives. They discussed the challenges of teaching and learning languages in today's world and presented their research findings.

Complaints about Language Performance Not Always Correlated with Objective Cognitive Deficits in the Elderly
A team of researchers from the HSE Centre for Language and Brain and Alexeev Mental Health Clinic examined the relation between subjective complaints about language function and objective language performance in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment. It was found that the severity of subjective complaints exhibited only a moderate association with actual performance in language tasks. Participants in the study who expressed higher concerns about their language function compared to their memory faced greater difficulties with language tasks.